Christmas update: Norwegians are the most generous

A survey that has been conducted by Nordic Research Alliance shows, that Norwegians are the biggest spenders in the Nordic countries, when it comes to Christmas presents. They buy more presents and spend an average of 726 Euros on Christmas presents. In comparison, the Danes spend 419, the Fins 418 and the Swedes 367.

In all four countries, the best thing about Christmas is considered to be ”being with friends and family” and the worst thing is the commercialism.  A curiosity is, that while 57% of the Fins consider Christmas parties among the best things about Christmas, 43% of the Fins think that” too much alcohol consumption” is among the worst things about Christmas.

Around half the population in Denmark, Norway and Sweden buys presents via the Internet, where as only a third of the Fins buys online.

The survey has been carried out among respondents from each of the four countries on the online panels of Analyse Danmark, Novus Group, Respons Analyse and Otantatutkimus.

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