A new survey for VisitSweden uncovers the top 5 spots for Danes going to Sweden:
1. Malmø
2. Göteborg
3. Öland
4. Astrid Lindgrens Verden
5. Vestsveriges skærgård
Read why and how to get there (in Danish) at Politiken
A new survey for VisitSweden uncovers the top 5 spots for Danes going to Sweden:
Read why and how to get there (in Danish) at Politiken
No European people has a larger aversion against budgetting as the Norwegians. Only 26 % make a budget on a regular basis, which is way lower than in the rest of Europe.… See this and other news from NRA here
A cross-Nordic survey by Nordic Research Alliance finds that the most reliable weather service is YR from Norway.
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