Author Archives: AnalyseDK

Norwegian weather service YR best in Scandinavia

A cross-Nordic survey by Nordic Research Alliance finds that the most reliable weather service is Yr fra Norway.

Even Danes and Swedes rate Yr higher than Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) and Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI).

However, DMI and SMHI are still the most widely used weather services in Denmark and Sweden. The respondents have only been able to rate the meteorological services they know – thus with a better brand knowledge across Denmark and Sweden, Yr might become the most widely used service in all three Scandinavian countries, as well as the most reliable one.

Read the full article here (in Norwegian): Yr mest populær hos svenskar og danskar 

Norwegians are the worst budget makers in Europe

No European people has a larger aversion against budgetting as the Norwegians. Only 26 % make a budget on a regular basis, which is way lower than in the rest of Europe.Continue Reading

Here are the favourite spots for Danes going to Sweden

See where the Danes prefer to go when they are visiting Sweden. 1.000 Danes over 18 years old have participated in the survey made for VisitSweden.Continue Reading

Christmas update: Norwegians are the most generous

A new survey in the Nordic countries show, that Norwegians are the most generous, when it comes to Christmas presents.Continue Reading

Prediction: Sweden will get the most gold medals at the Olympics

New survey from Nordic Research Alliance predicts, that Sweden will win more gold medals than the other Nordic countries at the London Olympics – and Denmark will get the fewest.

The most popular sports among the the Nordic TV-viewers overall are:

1. Athletics
2. Handball
3. Football

The Finns and the Swedes prefer swimming to handball, though.

The average expected daily TV-viewing from the Olympics range from 1.5 hours in Finland to 1.8 in Denmark.Continue Reading

Norwegians are the worst budget makers in Europe

No European people has a larger aversion against budgetting as the Norwegians. Only 26 % make a budget on a regular basis, which is way lower than in the rest of Europe.See this and other news from NRA here

Norwegian weather service YR best in Scandinavia

A cross-Nordic survey by Nordic Research Alliance finds that the most reliable weather service is YR from Norway.
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